Teeth- they’re kind of tough to hide. Depending on their appearance, your pearly whites have the power to rouse confidence or incite self-doubt. A survey performed on behalf of the American Association of Orthodontistssheds light on how an aligned smile can boost confidence and enhance personal and professional relationships. The survey involved adult pre-orthodontic patients who were asked… Read More
Dr. Geiger was a brilliant man, a dedicated professional, and a kind soul. I am deeply saddened by the news of his passing. He provided me with a “home base” at the beginning of my career, and helped me get my feet on the ground as I started out on my own in New York… Read More
Move over, Cupid. Valentine’s Day isn’t the only special occasion in February. It’s National Children’s Dental Health Month, so let’s celebrate! Instead of exchanging sugary treats and love notes, we’re transforming our youngest patients into rockstars. “As a part of our 7&Up campaign, kids ages 7 and older are eligible to become a Future Rockstar,”… Read More
Neon hues, chunky necklaces and mountain man beards- there are tons of trends buzzing in society today. Our favorite pick, however, is the growing trend of adult orthodontics. Gorgeous smiles are in style. The American Association of Orthodontists says adults are seeking orthodontic treatment in record numbers. After surveying multiple AAO members in the U.S. and Canada… Read More
Not surprisingly, teeth are affected by what you eat. Mix in brackets and arch wires and this is doubly true. We say don’t just do your taste buds a favor and keep your dental health in mind during mealtimes. “Certain foods are proven to help fortify teeth and gums,” says New York City orthodontics provider Dr. Mark… Read More
Most people associate braces with teens, but kids actually enjoy the smoothest sailing during treatment. We’re launching our 7&Up campaign to promote the perks of orthodontics at a young age. Seven is an important number. The American Association of Orthodontists says children should visit an orthodontist by age 7 for a check up of their bite. Young,… Read More
If you’re not experiencing enough holiday cheer this time of year, here’s something that will brighten your day. One of our superstar patients made us an adorable video to thank Dr. Mark Bronsky for aligning his teeth with braces. In a word, we are obsessed! Twelve-year-old Jonah Bowen surprised us with a wonderful video he… Read More
At Bronsky Orthodontics, we’re all about creating smiles- even if braces aren’t involved. We are teaming up with the Toys For Tots program to spread some cheer this holiday season, and we need your help! While stocking up on toys for the kiddos in your life, consider also the underprivileged children in our community. We encourage… Read More
A proper diagnosis is key to determining the right treatment, and Dr. Mark Bronsky’s favorite piece of dental equipment helps decipher just that. All X-ray machines emit a small amount of radiation. However, not all X-ray machines are created equally. With the ProMax, each film emits as little radiation as a five-minute cell phone call…. Read More
Sticky, sweet Halloween candies are notoriously dangerous for orthodontic patients, so we’ve devised a plan to keep your smile safe and put one on the faces of our American heroes. Our inaugural Halloween Candy Buyback runs through Nov. 8. Bring us your unopened Halloween candy stash in exchange for cash. With the help of Operation Gratitude, the… Read More