Worried about having metal braces for Prom, yearbook photos, or playing sports? Invisalign® Teen clear aligners are virtually invisible and most people do not even notice them. Since they are removable, you can eat what you want without any worry. Invisalign® Teen aligners do not interfere with your daily life since they are:
Zero food restrictions. Eat all your favorites from popcorn to apples and anything in between.
Not only are the aligners removable, they are very durable. Invisalign® Teen will not interfere with any of your extracurricular activities.
No matter if you are acting, playing soccer, running cross country or part of the school band, Invisalign® Teen will let you continue to do all the activities you love.
Orthodontists specialize in the artistry of orthodontics and attend years of focused training to achieve this distinction. After receiving a doctorate in general dentistry, an orthodontist must also complete 2-3 years of post-graduate training in the field of orthodontics at an ADA approved university. Orthodontists and dentists are very different as general dentists fix cavities, clean teeth, and assess oral health and orthodontists straighten teeth.