Most people associate braces with teens, but kids actually enjoy the smoothest sailing during treatment. We’re launching our 7&Up campaign to promote the perks of orthodontics at a young age.
Seven is an important number. The American Association of Orthodontists says children should visit an orthodontist by age 7 for a check up of their bite. Young, growing jawbones are malleable, so addressing alignment issues early allows Dr. Mark Bronsky to better guide the growth of the jaw, arrange the position of permanent teeth and correct detrimental oral habits.
Oh, and completing treatment during childhood will give your kid a confident and beautiful smile before those dreaded high school years begin.
“It sounds a little crazy, but we can tell how the jaw is going to develop into adulthood in children as young as 6 years old,” says New York City orthodontist Dr. Bronsky. “Early identification leads to less extensive procedures and, usually, a shorter treatment period.”
Jan. 16 marks the start of the 7&Up campaign. Our offices will be adorned with 7Up bottles, and fun, educational games will be available for kids to enjoy during their visit. Kids can win points that they can use to earn cool prizes, like iTunes gift cards.
Listen up, parents! We at Bronsky Orthodontics consider it so important to nix alignment issues early, we’re offering complimentary visits every six months until they’re ready to start treatment.
“In the spirit of our 7&Up campaign, we’ll monitor the growth and development of the mouth at no cost,” says Dr. Bronsky. “If we feel your child can benefit from orthodontic treatment, we’ll let you know when the time is right.”
If your young child has yet to receive an orthodontic check up, contact our Park Avenue or Tribeca offices to set up a consultation with Dr. Bronsky. Remember, it’s never too early to ensure your son or daughter has a pleasing and healthy smile that will last a lifetime.