We all have passions and causes that are near and dear to our hearts. For Dr. Mark Bronsky, running is as much a passion as is helping children and adults better their health and outlook on life. That’s why we couldn’t be more excited to share an opportunity to support a cause that combines both… Read More
Teenagers are constantly taking pictures on their smart phones, and selfies have never been so popular. A growing number of those selfies include glimpses of Invisalign Teen aligners, which were introduced six years ago this month. NYC Invisalign Preferred Provider Dr. Mark Bronsky says patients often ask for this orthodontic treatment by name, because they love… Read More
At Bronsky Orthodontics, we are getting the “rock rolling” in this quarter’s campaign, which is focused on improving our patients’ dental hygiene by collaborating with the dental professionals with whom we work closely. Many people think it’s their dentist’s duty to clean their teeth, screen for problems and encourage good oral hygiene habits, while their… Read More
Times change, and so do approaches to orthodontic treatment. It once was common practice to wait until all of a child’s baby teeth had erupted to begin treatment. That often meant extracting some adult teeth if a child’s teeth were too crowded, or the jaws were deemed too small to provide adequate room. But that… Read More
When it comes to chewing gum while wearing braces, some orthodontists believe it’s not harmful, and even can be helpful. Alternately, others warn it can lead to decay, lengthened orthodontic treatment and an overall compromised end result to treatment. We’re the first to agree it’s a sticky situation, but we are firm in our stance. Our stance… Read More
You may have heard that many dentists now offer orthodontic treatment. Is that safe, and does it mean orthodontists will become obsolete – kind of like 8-track players? OutRank by Rogers is a marketing and advertising company that happens to have a large clientele of general dentists. One of their observant customer service associates thought… Read More
At some point in your life, you’ve probably heard that smiling – even when you are sad – can boost your mood and self-esteem. But what about when you have a smile you are ashamed of? May is National Teen Self-Esteem Month, and what better time than now to help that special teen in your… Read More
Here at Bronsky Orthodontics, we believe every child deserves to have a beautiful smile, and we don’t want family financial challenges to stand in the way of orthodontic treatment. That is why we are excited to announce the recent launch of the Smile for a Lifetime Manhattan Chapter, which is run from our office. Smile for a Lifetime… Read More
A well-respected organization Dr. Mark Bronsky has held membership in since 1996 recently earned a highly sought-after honor. The American College of Dentists presented the New York Academy of Dentistry with the Ethics and Professionalism Award. As a member of the NYAD, Dr. Bronsky collaborates with an elite group of dental and orthodontic practitioners to ensure standards of professionalism… Read More
Congratulations, your braces are off! It’s a thrilling time in every orthodontic patient’s life. You may be free to munch on popcorn and crunch into apples, but your orthodontic experience isn’t over just yet. When our job is done, your job begins. How diligently you wear your retainer will ultimately determine the final results of… Read More