
Theme Days Get Patients, Staff in the Spirit

We’re always on the lookout for new ways to keep our patients excited about their treatment and enthusiastic about their orthodontic checkups. For those reasons, we began holding “theme days” where our office staff dress according to the theme and our patients are encouraged to do the same. We have 80s Fashion Day planned for… Read More

Austin Conference Provides Lessons on Efficiency, Best Practices

Dr. Mark Bronsky recently attended The Progressive Orthodontist Fully Engaged conference in Austin and Kileen, Texas. The conference was held April 26-27 and featured open discussions and lectures about best practices in orthodontics. It also included an office visit to Central Texas Orthodontics, the practice of Dr. Scott Law, where a forum was held on office… Read More

Our Office has Become Part of the Smile for a Lifetime Foundation

We are pleased to announce that our New York City orthodontics practice has become a participating chapter in the Smile for a Lifetime Orthodontic Foundation. As participants in this nonprofit organization, we will provide complimentary treatment to patients who would normally not have access to orthodontic care- or at least not to the level of care that… Read More

University of Amsterdam Dental Student Secures Internship with Dr. Bronsky

If you visit our office over the next several weeks, you’re likely to notice a new face roaming the halls: Anne Bo Hattem. Anne Bo is a dental student who longed for a taste of the Big Apple, so she is interning with us for five weeks. She is interested in pursuing an orthodontics residency… Read More

Lecture Given to Cosmetic Dentists at Prestigious Event

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK— General and cosmetic dentists from throughout the world gathered in November to hear Dr. Mark Bronsky’s lecture titled “Orthodontic Preparation for Prosthodontic and Cosmetic Dental Procedures.” Dr. Bronsky, a New York City orthodontist, gave the lecture at the Greater New York Dental Meeting (the largest regional meeting in the country), sponsored by the New… Read More

Dr. Mark Bronsky Inducted into the American College of Dentists

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK—Dr. Mark Bronsky has been inducted into the American College of Dentists. The induction took place at the American Dental Association annual meeting in San Francisco in October. It is an honor extended to about three percent of dentists in the United States. This came as a complete surprise to New York City orthodontist Dr. Bronsky-… Read More

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