Dr. Mark Bronsky recently attended The Progressive Orthodontist Fully Engaged conference in Austin and Kileen, Texas.
The conference was held April 26-27 and featured open discussions and lectures about best practices in orthodontics. It also included an office visit to Central Texas Orthodontics, the practice of Dr. Scott Law, where a forum was held on office efficiency and best practices in the clinical setting.
“This was a great opportunity to visit Dr. Law’s gorgeous new facility,” said Dr. Bronsky, an NYC Invisalign provider. “It also was a fantastic operation to observe. We truly all learned from each other.”
About 30 orthodontists attended the conference, which provided an opportunity for those in attendance to share ideas about office organization and optimizing value for our patients.
“We also shared ideas about how to optimize staff training, as well as staff experience at the office to encourage positive participation in the practice,” said Dr. Bronsky, who provides orthodontic treatment for adults and children.
Dr. Bronsky attends about six conferences annually for continued enrichment.