NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK— General and cosmetic dentists from throughout the world gathered in November to hear Dr. Mark Bronsky’s lecture titled “Orthodontic Preparation for Prosthodontic and Cosmetic Dental Procedures.”
Dr. Bronsky, a New York City orthodontist, gave the lecture at the Greater New York Dental Meeting (the largest regional meeting in the country), sponsored by the New York Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.
The invitation to speak came as a result of the academy’s knowledge of Dr. Bronsky’s extensive experience in adult orthodontics cases and his methods of preparing patients for cosmetic dentistry via stealthy, less visible orthodontic methods. These methods include Invisalign and lingual braces, to name a couple of examples.
The lecture gave those in attendance information regarding how orthodontic treatment ultimately can help cosmetic prosthodontists and general dentists render more optimal care for their patients.
“It was received well,” Dr. Bronsky says. “The dentists really seemed to find value in the information.”
An invitation to speak at this meeting is a high compliment, as the academy has some very accomplished professionals in the dental community. The Greater New York Dental Meeting is the largest health care and dental event in the United States. The 2012 meeting attracted more than 53,000 attendees – about 18,300 of which were dentists – from the U.S. and 130 other countries.
Dr. Bronsky is no stranger to the lecture circuit. He speaks at local, regional, national and international engagements quarterly. He views these opportunities as a good way to give other practitioners an idea of what orthodontists can do to improve overall patient care.