Emergencies are pretty rare, but we’ve put together a few pointers you can use to help yourself in a sticky situation.
If you have questions please call our office for further advice on how to handle your specific circumstance.
1. Mix 1 level teaspoon of salt and 8 ounces of warm water into a glass. TIP: Sea salt works best!
2. Dip a soft-bristled toothbrush into the salt water mixture and gently brush the sore area.
3. Use the remaining salt water mixture to rinse.
4. Repeat twice a day in the AM and PM.
You can also use wax if you have an irritation on your cheek or lip by placing the wax on the offending appliance. If after a few days you see no improvement, call us and we can facilitate your next steps.
Remove the bracket if you can. If you can’t remove it, this is not an emergency. Simply leave it in place and cover the bracket with orthodontic wax if it is causing you discomfort.
Please bring any loose brackets or bands with you to your next visit so that we can ascertain the cause of appliance fracture/ breakage. Cell phone pictures are welcome and can be helpful in resolving your problem.
Call our office so we can determine if you can wait until your next visit or if you should come in sooner.
This should not cause any pain and it is not considered an emergency. If needed, apply orthodontic wax to hold the chain in place or simply cut the chain off using sterile nail clippers or cuticle scissors.
Call our after-hours line and the doctor on call will help direct you to get the appropriate medical attention. In the case of a severe accident, please call your medical doctor or general dentist to get appropriate medical/ dental attention. We or they may suggest a trip to the emergency department of the nearest hospital.
Utilize the most recent aligner that fits and wear it a few more days (or up to a week) if needed. Retry the next aligner after a few days. If the fit of the aligner has not improved, call our office so that we can help you take the best next steps.
If you lost an aligner, try on the next set of aligners. If it fits, continue wearing it for 10-14 days until it is time for the next set of aligners to be placed. If it does not fit, go back one aligner and call our office so we can offer advice regarding the lost appliance.
Continue to wear the current aligner and discard the attachment that fell off. Usually, this causes no discomfort and you can continue to wear the current aligner until your next visit. We will replace your attachment at your next visit. Please inform us of any lost attachments at the start of your appointment.
There are only a few true orthodontic (or dental) emergencies. They include:
If any of these emergencies occur, you should seek help as soon as possible. Call our office immediately and the doctor on call will direct the next steps. Otherwise — contact your medical doctor immediately or go to the nearest hospital’s emergency department.