Teeth- they’re kind of tough to hide. Depending on their appearance, your pearly whites have the power to rouse confidence or incite self-doubt. A survey performed on behalf of the American Association of Orthodontistssheds light on how an aligned smile can boost confidence and enhance personal and professional relationships.
The survey involved adult pre-orthodontic patients who were asked to dish about their fears regarding their upcoming orthodontic treatments. Seventy-one percent of participants admitted they were concerned about what others would think, how they would look, and if they were too old for braces or Invisalign. Once treatment began to work its magic, however, the fears were quickly swapped for satisfaction and fast-rising self-esteem.
Brimming with the confidence derived from their new, beautiful smiles, 75 percent of survey respondents said they experienced improvements in professional and personal relationships. The good vibes were especially notable in young adults ages 18-34. Of this age group, 87 percent reported enhanced relationships thanks to newly discovered confidence.
Here’s a telling statistic: 92 percent of participants said they would recommend orthodontic treatment to other adults. Clearly, the assurance of having aligned and beautiful teeth is a powerful thing.
“I’m sure the results of this survey come as no surprise to adults who have already undergone orthodontic treatment,” says New York City orthodontics provider Dr. Mark Bronsky. “Yes, aligned teeth improve dental health, but the confidence that comes with an attractive smile is reason enough to seek treatment.”
Gone are the days of clunky metal contraptions. Dr. Bronsky offers a variety of treatments that are befitting of an adult’s hectic lifestyle and aesthetic demands. These include:
Are you an adult who’s tired of hiding your smile? You have options. We would love the opportunity to educate you about our modern aligning methods and treatment philosophy. Contact our Park Avenue or Tribeca offices to learn more.