Dear Dr. Bronsky,
My son just celebrated his 8th birthday and I am noticing that his permanent teeth are growing in a bit crooked. Quite a few teeth have yet to grow in, but my husband and I really do not know when we should bring him in for an orthodontic consultation. Please enlighten us.
Parent off Park Avenue
Dear Parent off Park Avenue,
Let me start by saying that we get this question ALL the time! We at Bronsky Orthodontics do have a specific age that we recommend parents take their children in to see us at, and that is age 7. Now, you may be wondering why we landed on age 7.
The American Association of Orthodontists, or AAO, recommends that children see an orthodontist at age 7, regardless of if they’re showing signs of overcrowding or any need for orthodontic treatment. There is one caveat to that, however – if a child is showing signs of discomfort or harmful oral habits, children should be brought in before age 7!
Now, Parent off Park Avenue, you may be wondering why we and the AAO recommend orthodontic treatment that early on! First off, myself and the other orthodontists here have a knack for catching early problems with jaw growth, even when baby teeth are still present. On the other hand, a check-up may result in no diagnosis, which will give you assurance that your child does not need treatment at this time. In some cases, however, one of us will find problems that benefit greatly from early treatment. In these cases, “the sooner the better” rings quite true!
So, Parent Off Park Avenue, to answer your question – we recommend bringing your dear son in as soon as possible! Our orthodontists would love to meet him and evaluate his existing and incoming teeth!
To get your son started, please fill out our Appointment Request form or give us a call!
Dr. Bronsky