Braces are generally considered the purview of youth, not so much something for adults. Still, braces have become a more common thing for adults to experience than before. That can be tough for some people who need braces to deal with, since having a mouthful of metal doesn’t exactly fit with many people’s vision of… Read More
Most of the time, everything goes pretty smoothly when it comes to braces. After all, Dr. Bronksy and Dr. Equinda have done this tons of times before, and helped many people get a straighter, more beautiful smile. Still, not everything always goes according to plan, and certain problems warrant a visit to your orthodontist. Something… Read More
One of the primary purposes of braces is to straighten the teeth and bring them into proper alignment with one another. Given the way that wisdom teeth can disrupt that very thing, you might wonder whether it’s better to have the wisdom teeth removed before getting braces put on or not. The answer is a… Read More